Wednesday, February 1

Charlie and the Juice Cups


Untypically Jia said...

I. Cannot. Breathe.

I seriously want to comment more because you're my WF and I want to be supportive of your blog and leave long and meaningful comments, but I'm laughing so hard that my brain can't function.

And for the record, I could actually see this happening to me. Because you and I? We're just too damn alike for our own good.

Steve said...

"There is not an easy way to tell which side is up and which side is down."

Hey I have that issue with my contact lenses! I can TOTALLY relate...or something... :D

BTW...I thought there were real kittens involved. :/

Sue D said...

As a woman who learned to use a diaphram in the EarthMother embracing, hormone-free, pre-AIDS, fast & free 70's, I have NO trouble imagining how this played out at all!!! Sounds like just as reasonable a way to help keep the swimmers in the pool as it was to keep them out...

Amelia said...

The things we do. For babies and blogs.

Christie said...

Too funny! I am so glad that you decided to tell the story, oddly enough having dealt with infertility at one point, I can relate to the odd situation and the urgency. ;)

Tanya said...

Once again don't disappoint! Too funny... keep blogging no matter what please...I live for your blog posts, no matter what the subject matter!! :)

Auntie Em said...

I think I am in a strange state of shock at the moment. I think this blog post is like a train wreck and I say that in the nicest way, as when someone sees that you can't look away. he he he.

As always. love your posts. I hope that your little juice cup worked! eeewwww

Queen Wackadoo said...

"standing with one leg cocked up to Sunday"
the visual is prominent in my vision and may not even be able to be cloroxed out of my eyes

Cole Walter Mellon said...

You must have done something to piss me off, because I tagged you in this silly post: Don't ever do it again!

Missie said...

I'll try to leave a comment as soon as I'm done laughing.

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