Wednesday, July 28

Hump day report

Things are improving.


BETTER. Not great, but better.

I am back hardcore with the food aspect of dieting, and last night finally kahonaed up and did Fat Girl Yoga with Amy (our 10 year old). This morning we could both feel it in our arms and back- Amy informed me she had squeezed her kidneys too hard.
I did too, darling. My kidneys are screaming.

So this morning I am heading off to Old Lady Water Aerobics. I fully intend to have my butt kicked by the blue hairs. That is what happens when you go in with youth and pride. You get your rear served to you by someone 50 years your senior. But at this point, with my knees and back messed up and a tad bit achy, water aerobics is my best option.

AND- I have a new swim suit. I FINALLY found one built for a girl with a long saggy boobylicious build. It has a mesh lining that covers me to my neck. Nothing will be floating to the surface in this baby. I'll post pictures later. Maybe. If I find the courage to show you how untoned I have become.
Seriously, go a few months without exercising and your nice firm muscles turn into moosh. It's pathetic. That's ok, though. I'm working on it. I don't mind being mooshey if I'm in transition. And I can feel it this time. I'm gonna lick this thing.

Food went well yesterday. I found a new application for my Iphone that allows me to see exactly what I am eating. And the calorie intake. And the fat intake. Scary. The cool thing is I can upload it so you all can see my food log at the end of the week. (Just in case you are nosey like me. I like to see what other people eat.) I'm planning to upload it all on Saturday night.

So today, the short list is water aerobics, a quick trip to walgreens to get more gummy vitamins, and clean in my room a bit more. Cause I love my husband. He's awesome. And he would like a bedroom where you don't have to scavenger hunt for t-shirts and socks. I think he should have it.

So- how are things on your hump day?


Anonymous said...


I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work!

Rachel B said...

Woo Hoo!!! I have SparkPeople app on my iphone and love it. Which one are you using? I am finally getting back on track too, and blogging which I have done little of in too many months! My kids go back to school on Monday and Mama goes back to work full time. Miss you!

Bethany said...

I like you, Charlie. I come to your blog when I need a pick-me-up. Not necessarily for weight, just for life! You're awesome.

Thanks for brining laughter and honesty into the blogosphere!!

Missie said...

I'm way past hump day getting to your blog entry. I don't even remember what my day was like last Wednesday! LOL

Have a good week.

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