Once again, I have to apologize that I've not been faithful at blogging, like I usually am. The kids are on week 3 of their spring break, and lots of that time has been goofing off with them. Not that my blog is being ignored, it's just by the time the kids are in bed and I have time to write, my brain is utter moosh and I can't string sentences together. So, again- sorry about that. Next week we will be back on track.
Lots of very exciting things have been happening around here! First off, we finally got a new van! It's a nice pre-owned Chevy Venture mini-van, and the exciting part is it has sliding doors on BOTH sides of the vehicle! Matt can now hop off to work without me taking him, and me and the kids can just run around and go have fun.
Second of (And this is the SUPER exciting part!) WE ARE FINALLY able to get a house loan!!! This has been such a long time in the making- 3 years of living in the crappy rental and finally we can plan our escape! They say you are supposed to buy the crappiest house on the nicest block. And that's kinda what we are trying to do! We had looked at a house in early December, but we didn't act on it because of the financing snafu. However, we are going to go back and take a second hard look at it and make sure that it's really for us! If you want to take a sneek peek at it with me, you can! Click here, and you can see it too! I'm so happy to share this with you- it needs lots of work (it's kinda ugly to 11 inside) but we can deal with ugly.
And finally, I'm maintaining my 75 pound goal within 3 pounds on a daily basis. That's good for me. Sometimes, my body likes to hit a number and shoot back up. But the ultimate goal is to live a normal life and still stay on track. Which I am doing. I want to make sure that when I finally hit 100 pounds lost, I can keep it there, and moving slow and steady gives my body a chance to adjust to the new normal of being 163 pounds.
I'm a pretty happy girl!
So what's been going on with you? Have I missed any news in your world? (My blog reading is even more behinder than my blog writing!) Comment below and give me the link of your favorite posts you have written over the past 2 weeks! I'll come check them out and make sure to leave you a comment! (If you have comments enabled on your blog, that is!) Happy spring break!!!!
Stella Virgin
2 years ago
Love the house Charlie! Congrats on the mortgage/car achievement :-)
wow..I would love that house.. and the price? holy moly!
congrats on the van and have fun with the kids!
Congrats on the loan and new car! That house is gorgeous and the price?! Go for it!
Be well, my friend.
Looks cool - love the roof. Even if the inside needs lots of cosmetic work, it has classy bones. Enjoy!
Oh my goodness! Girl that house is beautiful, but... so big! I would hate to clean all of that! But, if you all decide to get it, I would be so happy for you!
As for blog posts... eh, don't know. You can just pick anyone.LOL
Yay for you getting new toys (and a house). I love fixer-uppers!! Anyways, you are obviously missed here in bloggy land, but taking a break to be with your babes is great. And week THREE?? Must be nice! Round here all we get is a week! Well, must be nice for the kids, maybe not so much for the mommy :) Enjoy your time with them, they grow up way too fast! And you're definitely on the right track with your weight, it's always best to do it slow and steadily. I'm so glad you are happy with everything going on in your life right now!
Um, that house is beautiful! $99,000 - are you kidding??? I need to move to Illinois! I hope it is what you are looking for and that you get it! And yay for two cars - we have played the one-car game off and on through our marriage, and with four kids it is a pain to function without that second car!
But it only has 1.5 baths. I thought the goal was to get 2 bathrooms. Is 1/2 of a new bathroom good enough?
You go girl! Happy for all your accomplishments, including survivng a three week spring break! Why do y'all get such a long one? Ours has always been only one week.
Here's us in a nutshell lately...
Love ya, Lady!
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